(01978) 810 884 guy@francis-roberts.com

Help & Advice

As dedicated professionals with a friendly touch, we guide you through the process of saying goodbye to a loved one and use our experience to cater to your specific needs. We are on-hand 24 hours a day, seven days a week to take your call.

In the Event of A Death

When a death occurs in the family, whether it be at home or in hospital, there are many unfamiliar tasks which must be carried out. See our guidance for more information, or phone us on (01978) 810 884

Frequently Asked Questions

We hope that you will find answers to the commonly asked questions about what happens when someone dies, and the necessary arrangements that need to be put in place in order to arrange a funeral

Bereavement Support

When you’re newly bereaved, suddenly you find yourself on an emotional roller-coaster where you have no idea what to expect next. We have found bereavement support can really help at the darkest of times

Contact us

We are on-hand to take your call 24 hours a day,
seven days a week:

Tel: (01978) 810 884

Email: guy@francis-roberts.com